
Local coordinate system

Types of coordinate systems: Global vs. Local

In the field of engineering, computer graphics, and physics, understanding the relationship between different coordinate systems is crucial for accurate modeling, simulation, and analysis. The figure attached describes the concept of a global coordinate system (GCS) and a local coordinate system (LCS), both of which are commonly used to define the position and orientation of objects in 3D space.

The GCS is represented by the axes x , y , and z . This system provides a fixed reference for describing the location of all objects within the space. In contrast, the LCS, denoted by the axes x' , y' , and z' , is tied to a specific object within the GCS. It moves and rotates with the object, providing a reference frame that is local to the object itself.

Global coordinate system and local coordinate system

These transformations between coordinate systems are governed by rotation matrices or transformation matrices that contain the cosine and sine functions of the angles between the axes.

Simple implementation of Plane2d

The Plane2d class has properties that are the origin, x-axis, and y-axis as the 2D coordinate system. In this class that I implemented, the core functions are as follows:

    class Plane2d(AxesVisualizer):
        def __init__(self, origin: np.ndarray, x_axis: np.ndarray, y_axis: np.ndarray, normalize: bool = True):
            self._origin = origin
            self._x_axis = x_axis / np.linalg.norm(x_axis) if normalize else x_axis
            self._y_axis = y_axis / np.linalg.norm(y_axis) if normalize else y_axis
        def _get_local_coords_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray:
            """Returns a local coordinate matrix expressed in homogeneous coordinates

                np.ndarray: local coordinates of self
            return np.array(
                    [self.x_axis[0], self.y_axis[0], self.origin[0]],
                    [self.x_axis[1], self.y_axis[1], self.origin[1]],
                    [0, 0, 1],
        def get_converted_geometry_by_plane(self, plane_to_convert: Plane2d, geometry_to_convert: GeometryCollection) -> GeometryCollection:
            """Converts a given geometry from one plane to another

                plane_to_convert (Plane2d): Target plane to convert the coordinate system
                geometry_to_convert (GeometryCollection): Geometry of Shapely to convert

                GeometryCollection: Converted geometry
            matrix_to_map_global_coords = np.linalg.inv(self._get_local_coords_matrix())
            matrix_to_map_local_coords = plane_to_convert._get_local_coords_matrix() @ matrix_to_map_global_coords

            return affinity.affine_transform(

The figure below describes the transformation process easily.

Firstly, it needs to take the inverse of a transformation matrix to convert a polygon from the original plane to another This process corresponds from the blue polygon to the black polygon, and the code line matrix_to_map_global_coords = np.linalg.inv(self._get_local_coords_matrix()) above. By this process, the polygon in the local coordinate system is mapped to the global coordinate system that considers (0, 0) to the origin.

After processing the above, we need to remap from the global coordinate system to the local coordinate system to convert it. This is from the black polygon to the green polygon. The matrix_to_map_local_coords = plane_to_convert._get_local_coords_matrix() @ matrix_to_map_global_coords line is corresponded to it.

In the entire process of transformation, the polygon keeps the same indices of vertices, the shape of the geometry, and orientation (in this case counter-clockwise).
Coordinate system transformation process

Applying coordinate system transformation in Architectural design

As you saw above, the transformation from GCS to LCS involves rotation, translation, and reflection matrices that convert a geometry's coordinates to its position and orientation within the plane.

In architectural design, a transformation matrix can help align building shapes along intended angles and directions within an axial framework. Let's say we're developing an algorithm to automate apartment layout and we have some building templates. In this situation, we can situate buildings simply along a given axis that is defined for placing apartments.

You just apply the logic that is described above after defining two planes, and geometries for apartments. That's all!
Applying it in apartment design automation
